BOLLBöLEN Volley Ball 10.9.2019 - living
HD ? ED ?
not used for breeding: SRMA (meningitis)
BOLLBöLEN Stella 13.6.2017 - living
HD B/B, ED 0/0
not used for breeding: infection of uterus, pyometra
HD A/A (107) ED 0/0 (98)
DM 1 & 2 N/N (free)
1 x CQ (SA)
Mother of T, V & W-litter
63cm & 47kg
Rigo is a daughter of Fati, a big strongly build girl. She has a very calm, loving character. She is definitely not a working dog but a Hugging Bernese.
BOLLBÖLEN Rembrandt 8.9.2015 - LIVING
HD A/A (110) ED 0/0 (106)
DM 1 & 2 N/N (free)
1 x ResCAC, 3 x CQ (SA)
not used for breeding
VENYIM GYöNGYE FATIME "FATI" 11.6.2013 -4.1.2021
HD A/A (108) ED 0/0 (108)
DM 1 & 2 N/N (free)
3 x resCAC, 6 x CQ (SA)
Mother of litter R & S & Q
61cm & 37kgs
AOD 7Y 7M (Hemangiosarcome)
Fati came from Hungary and was pure joy each kilo. She loved people and especially farm animals like cows. But she also thought she is a hunting dog. She loved swimming. She loved pulling us on the skis. She moved easily and was our faithful jogging coach. Fati was indeed ready for everything and did it with a sparcle in her eyes...
Fati was a wonderful, wonderful dog, and what a character she had ! She was our bundle of joy - and her place is hard to fill… Thank you Katalin once again for having had Fati !
BOLLBöLEN promesse 18.8.2010 - 19.10.2017
HD A/A (118*), ED 3/1 (88*)
not used for breeding: elbow dysplasy
AOD 7Y 2M (tumor in the spleen)
Bollbölen Oui-Oui "VIIVI" 10.5.2010 -29.2.2020
HD A/A (122*), ED 0/0 (116*)
1 x CQ (SA)
mother of litter Q
AOD 9Y 10M (intestinal obstruction, spondylosis
Viivi gave us a nice litter of 6 puppies, all HD A/A, ED 0/0. 5 of them has reached the age of 9 years !
BOLLBöLEN LAETITIA 31.7.2008 - 11.12.2011
HD B/B (106*), ED 1/0 (101*)
not used for breeding
AOD 3Y 3M (tumors)
Bollbölen Karamelli "NANNA" 3.9.2007 - 16.5.2016
HD B/A (115*), ED 0/0 (97*)
mother of litter P
AOD 8Y 8M (cancer of bones)
Nanna was a sweet girl and gave us four nice puppies.
BOLLBöLEN KAOLINA 3.9.2007 - 30.5.2016
HD B/B (108*), ED 3/3 (75*)
not used for breeding: elbow dysplasy
AOD 8Y 9M (spondylose)
BOLLBöLEN ISLA NEGRA 1.8.2006 - 4.4.2015
HD B/B (115*) , ED 0/0 (106*)
1 x CAC, 1 x resCAC
mother of litter M & O
AOD 8Y 8M (infection of uterus, pyometra)
Isla was very active in obedience.
BOLLBöLEN HEDDA 22.6.2005 - 10.5.2015
HD / ED ?
not used for breeding: skin problems
AOD 9Y 11M (histiocytaric sarcome)
FI CH BOLLBöLEN FILIPPA "nEPPU" 7.8.2004 - 23.5.2012
HD A/A (114*), ED 0/1 (100*)
1 x BOB, 3 x CAC
mother of litter K, L & N
AOD 7Y 9M (enlargened spleen)
Neppu was a puppy born dead, with no sign of life and with only 270g at birth. God heard my prayers, she came back to life ! Neppu grew to be a big strong girl with 47 kgs and 65cms. She became also a Finnish champion. Neppu will always stay in our hearts.
Beakey van’t Pachthof 30.1.2002 - 19.4.2011
HD B/A (114*), ED 0/0 (107*),
mother of litter E, G and I
AOD 9Y 3M (tumor)
Biki came to us from Belgium, kennel Pachthof. She was a very active dog and good in obedience. Her son Bollbölen Ikaros became a champion of obedience in Finland. Thank you Christine for this lovely dog!
Sissi v.d. Hausmatt 20.10.2000 - 26.06.2006
HD A/A (115*), ED 0/0 (120*)
mother of litter C, F and H
AOD 5Y 8M (tumor in the spleen)
Sissi v.d. Hausmatt (HD A/A, ED 0/0) came from one of the oldest Swiss breeders, from a real Swiss farm where berners worked on the fields with cows. Sissi also was a great working dog. She could gather a troop of neighbour's cows together in some minutes !
Heika von Katzenstiegfluh 30.3.2000 - 1.7.2008
HD B/B (104*), ED 0/0 (103*)
not used for breeding
AOD 8Y 4M (spondylose)
Heika was Herta's sister and a calmer version of her.
Herta von Katzenstiegfluh 30.3.2000 - 13.5.2011
HD B/B (108*), ED 0/0 (106*)
mother of litter D
AOD 11Y 2M (spondylose)
Herta was a big personality and loved to be the center of attention. If there where humans somewhere, Hertta would be there !
Bollbölen Anouk "My" 12.6.1999 - 15.4.2002
HD A/A (121*), ED 0/0 (109*)
mother of litter B
AOD 2Y 10M (chronic renal failure)
My was Milka's daughter. Unfortunately My died very young because of a chronic kidney failure.
Daisy vom Adlerhorst "MILKA" 1.3.1997 - 4.3.2009
HD A/A (119*), ED 0/0(110*)
1 x resCAC
mother of A-litter
AOD 12Y (stomach torsion)
Milka was our first bernese and she came from Germany. Milka was an easygoing healthy dog. She was very sporty active dog with good open character.